FSX Short Sunderland MkIII from Stuart Green with panel features from Erwin Welker to insert 3 gunnerpositions, air file by James Banks. This seaplane was used as anti U-boat and recon aircraft during Worldwar II. Bombs and side gunners are animated and can me seen with certain camera views. With the panel features you can change from the pilots seat to the positions of the bowgunner, the turretgunner, the tailgunner or to the place of the navigator. The twinturret on top of the fuselage and the tailguns can be rotated, up to 360 degrees. Flackclouds or target hit effects can be turned on per switches at all gunstations. Additional cameras allows to watch the animated depth charges and also the animated gunners in the middle of the fuselagethree plus 2 external views. Configuration from Erwin Welker


1. Install the Sunderland first.
2. Copy Sound, Gauges and Effects into the mainfolder of FSX
3. Some gauges are aliased from the DC-3. I recommend to cut the DC-3 gauges from the panel folder of your Douglas_DC3 and to and copy it into the main folder of FSX, to get additional panel windows with gauges available for your B-24 and/or for other aircrafts
(Enjoy my new features)

How to display the views and guns?

1. toggle with S-key to panel-views to display the 2D-panel.
2. toggle with A-key until you read: "Bowgunner turret_hit Shift 2"
-- do that and now you will stand at the twin maschineguns in the bow.
3. toggle with S-key to aircraft-views
4. when you read in the upper right corner "Top turret_hit Shift 3"
-- do that and now you will look reardwards, sitting in the twin gun turret.
With the coolie hat of your joystick you can rotate to left and right, you can raise or lower the elevation angle of the
gun and you can fire the gun or turn on the flackcloud-effects with the switches. Target hit you will get with the I-key.
5. toggle with A-key until you read in the upper right corner "Bombbay_hit #" and you can watch the animated depth charges.
Also the sidegunners can be watched and the tailgun can be manned.


Attention !!! : The sound switches (gauge00=switch13_O!switch,904,305,30,17, autocannon.wav[100] might probably cause a hang up of the Flightsimulator, after changing the actual airplane to another aircraft, caused by this buttons, which activates the special sounds. After restarting the flightsimulator everthing works fine again.
If it disturbes you, then don't hesitate and delete all those lines or better disable it by setting 2 slashes ahead of the line //.



Many thanks to Stuart Green, who made this fantastic aircraft with that amound of details and animations.
A great job was done by R.L. Clark, with his sound buttons and sound effects. Many thanks to him.
Many thanks to all of the other creative persons, who do such a great work.
I am sorry, but I do not know from whom all the gauges, effects and sounds are. I have to many.

This file is FREEWARE. It can not harm your computer.
Feel free to copy or to distribute it, but don't make any money with it. It is not permitted to use it for commercial-purpose.

More Files with my work at SurClaro: (Searchkey: WELKER)

Any comments to:

Happy landings

Erwin Welker

27 March 2010